Hand Rails
Oak Tree Forge have a wide range of handrails from plain tube mainly fitted in commercial installations to ornate handrails with scrolls,cages,twisted bars and collars. Its very important that a handrail should be usable,safe and complement the surroundings and buildings they are fitted to.

Handrails should sweep,turn and drop to follow the path. They should maintain a constant height from the ground and basically look as if they have grown where they are fitted.

This handrail has c scrolls which have different size heads, they are heated and bent to give the effect you see in the picture. The legs are twisted and there are cages at each end, with a shepherds crook finish on the ends of the handrail.

This grab handle has forged ends, the width and thickness taper at the ends.

This handrail is pin fixed to the wall, it wraps around the corner of the wall to follow the path.

This handrail is secured to the wall and is posted at the bottom of the steps, the post is twisted bar with a cage and collars again the top rail has a shepherds crook finish.