Oak Tree Forge offers the full service from measuring, manufacturing, finishing and site fitting. We have made many differant styles and patterns, from a small panel to long runs of many meters, there isnt much we havnt done. Bellow are just a few examples.

The main panel on this railing is just a circle with a cross running through the circle and not just slapped on top. Again the small panel each side of the main panel has a cross over pattern which is let in and not just laid over the top of each other.

Brick pillars with infill panels can create a nice break in materials, a very slight curve in the panels makes them a little more interesting than having a flat top. Again because we shape all the iron work the customer gets to say how much shape should go into the panel.

This is just one example of a cleaner more modern design.

Heavy gauge scroll panel railing with owl silhouette.

S scroll design with a twisted bar,there is an inner rail with a small s scroll above each of the twisted bars.

Ball and collar posts with a swept convex top-rail, the vertical bars have collars that follow the sweep of the top-rail.

heavy gauge railing panel with a twisted post with a large cage and collars. The vertical bars have a mix of collars,twists,and cages. This was a nice show piece.

Straight vertical bar railing panel with a heavy gauge top rail,zigzag s scrolls in the inner rail,shepherds crook end on the hand rail and a twisted post with a cage. These twin handrail panels are exactly the same and are fitted so that they align perfectly.

Before the age of the modern welder clips were used to fix scrolls in railing panels,gates etc.

Simple railing which is for protection against fall on the landing and used as a handrail to run down the steps, note the sweep to achieve the two different heights making for better appearance and usability.

This small panel has some simple scroll pairs and some twisted bars, you don't need to put to much detail in to make something look attractive.